York, Maine Deed Book Entries 1699 to 1703

The following article was published in JFA newsletter no. 16, Summer 2008.

Provided by Ronald N. Nowell
(Extracted by Alan Junkins, March 2008)


"Alexander Junkins"
(Vol. 1, p 110)

Granted to Alexander Junkins thirty acres of land. If he can find it clear of all former grants…"Laid out and bounded p 236"


"Al. Junkins"
(Vol. 1, p 236)

York March the 5th. 1700 Laid out unto Alaxender Junkins thirty acres of land which was formerly granted to him by this town of York! Which land layeth on then northeast end of Conll. Huchensons land at Scotland commonly so called and is bounded as forewith. Beginning at a white aok marked on four sids; standing out the westward corner of Daniel Dills1 land runs northwest by said Hutchinsons bounds sixty five pole on pearch to a maple tree marked on for sids standing on the Southeast side of a lott of land of Micom Macantier at the head of Thomas Curtises cove of marsh and runs from said maple tree northeast adjoyning to said Micoms bounds seventy six pole enpearch to a pine tree market on four sids, and from said pine southeast sixty five pole on pearch to a white oak tree marked on four sids, standing on northwest side of Danle Dill Junr land above and then southwest joyning to said Dills land to the white oak first mentioned laid out unto the said Junkins according to his grant.

by me Abra. Preble Survayer


"Jo. Junkins"
(Vol. 1, p. 136)

Guarnttd to Joseph Junkins thirty acres of land where he can find it cleen of all former grants.

"17 acres bounded: 173 part in 180"


**"Jos. Junkins"
(Vol. 1, p. 173)

Purseuant to a grant of thirty acres of land to Joseph Junkins bareing date March ye: 20: 1700/1 have laid out to him seventeen acres of it southwest of the northwest branch of York River; begining at the westward corner of a lott of land lately laid out to Leut. James Plaisteed and Sam.el Came: which is a hemlock tree marked four sides; and is bounded from thence by their bounds, southeast forty pole, to a beach tree marked on four sides; and from thence southwest twenty pole to a beach tree marked four sides; and from there twenty eight pole to a hemlock; in the line between York and Kittery, and runs by that line, North and by West, eighty pole to a Hemlock marked four sides; and from thence South southeast fifty two poles to a hemlock marked four sides; standing by aforeesaid first mentioned; which tract of land as it now stands bounded, is laid out to abouess Joseph Junkins for seventeen acres as abriess; according to his grant; York. Janu_ye; 11: 1702/3

by me Abra. Preble Survayr

"Jo. Junkins
(Vol. 1, p. 180)

York Janna_ ye 22th. 1702/03 Laid out to Joseph Junkins thirteen acres of land, which is part of a grant of thirty acres to him at a town meeting in York afores; 20th. of March 1700/1, which lieth neer the head of the Minestries Cove of marsh at the head of forty acres of Micom Micomtiers land, and is bounded as followeth; viz; begining at a maple tree market four sides; at the westward corner of Micomtierrs land, and runs the breadth of his land on an east by south line to his eastward corner bound marsh; a Pine markt four sides - and from thence north northeast; twenty four pole; to Petter Nowels southward corner bound marked tree a pine marked four sides; and runs from thence northwest forty-four pole; by said Nowels bounds; and then on a strait line to a maple tree markt on four sides; which is the northward corner bound marked tree of a lot of fifteen acres lattely laid out to Leut. Plaisteed and Sam.ll Came; and mine by their bound to the place first mentioned; which tract or parcall of land is laid out to a bouesd Jos. Junkins according to his grant; provided it be cleer of all former grants.

by me Abram; Preble Survai.

"Alex. Junkins, Joseph & Daniel"
(Vol. 1, p. 187)

Granted to Allexnd Junkins, Joseph Junkins and Daniel Junkins all the common land between their house lott and Bass Cove Brook.

Granted to Lewis Bane all the coman land between the head of his home lott and Scittuate Plaine.

by me Abram; Preble Town Cler.

"Jos. Junkins"
(Vol 1, p. 194)

York March ye; 2 ; 1702/3 Laid out to Joseph Junkins a gove of land, by the head of the cove of marsh belonging to the minestry provided it doth not fall out to be on any former property or grant; containing three or four acres ( the which said Junkins doth except in full sattisfaction for a peece of land that was laid out this day to Micum Machentien; which was laid out to said Junkins Janaw: ye 22: 1702/3 which is bounded as followith; in breadth from Micums line by said Jos Junkins one land west by north to a maple tree markt four sides; said to be Mr. Nortons eastward corner bound marked tree of his land their; which is fourteen pole wide; and 80 nins between said Nortons lott and said Mackentiens lot; southwardly; down to the head of the cove of marsh above said; which is part of a grant of thirty acres, given to Joseph Junkins by this town; ye 20 march 1700/1; laid out and bounded as above said.

by us Abram Preble Survam
Lewis Bane Selectman

"Dan Junkins"
(Vol 1, p. 206)

Granted to Daniel Junkins twenty acres of land above Mickscum or Elc where cleer of all former grants.
"Part 4 acres bounded page ye. 220; ye. rest in page 298; 16 acres of it laid out again"
"to -Swett lib. 2 page 94"

"Alexander Junkins"
(Vol 1, p. 210)

March ye 24th 1702/3 Laid out to Alexander Junkins five acres of fresh marsh which was granted to him att a town meeting in York, March ye 17th 1702/3; which marsh lieth about the head of the Bell Marsh; on the same brook adjoining. to the lower end.

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